Monday, September 29, 2014

Activity 5.1

I believe that learning does depend on memory. If we haven’t memorized the activity, information, process or experience then we haven’t really learned. I think that we if “know” something and do not act upon it then we haven’t really learned it. A concrete example is when children are taught the color blue. The child might be able to point to the circle and say blue after you’ve shown them.  But the next day, when you ask the child to find a blue object and they cannot, it’s because they haven’t really learned the color.

Sometimes people need to be reminded of things, and although he or she has “misplaced” that knowledge, the information is stored in their memory and he or she still understands the concepts. Again, I’ll use the example with the color blue. If the child can’t show you a blue object but you remind them that they see something blue every day. The child might remember that the sky is blue. Then, the child can connect their understanding of the color blue to locate a blue object.  

I think we remember things that we wish to forget because these things are seared into our minds and connected to bad experiences or deep feelings. Since feelings are senses it’s easy to recall the bad memories every time we are reminded by a song, a scent or a picture.  

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