Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Activity 2.3

Skinner’s 1984 article, “The Shame of American Education,” focuses on the lag of progress in American education, outlines the main issues of education, and ways to solve the problems. He strongly believes that teaching machines and programmed instruction could aid in teaching current material in half the time. Skinner believes that the main problem is that teaching time is wasted and that the solution is for instruction to be clear, foundational skills taught first, allowing students to progress at their own pace, and program the subject matter to the individual student.

I agree with Skinner statement, “a good program of instruction guarantees a great deal of successful action,” (pg 952). However, I believe that Skinner would be ashamed of American education today. First, school systems are regularly following a “rage of education,” and blaming teachers when programs don’t work out. Next, schools don’t follow a defined program of instruction, classrooms are overcrowded, and universities continue to teach pedagogical techniques and psychological studies instead of content.

I believe that Skinner would be proud of the School of One approach because its program of instruction follows Skinners ideology about education. For example, students are taught basic skills and build upon them, instruction meets the individual learning goals, students’ progress at their own pace and students have a good understanding of their success.

Skinner’s response to activity 2.1 wouldn’t include free will at all. In the video “Operant Conditioning,” Skinner states that he attributes nothing to free will. Therefore, his pie graph would only include habit. Finally, the office video helped to deepen my understanding of the operant conditioning theory. As a pregnant woman, I can relate to this condition because anytime I hear the discussion of food I immediately feel hungry even if I’ve already eaten.

1 comment:

  1. Actually, the clip from The Office is an example of classical conditioning. Congrats on your pregnancy!
